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What are therapy side effects?

The following are possible minor/moderate risks or adverse reactions that you may experience with the use of Cala Therapy:

  • Discomfort with stimulation (e.g. stinging, sensation of weakness, etc.)
  • Allergic reaction to electrodes or other materials
  • Skin irritation, including electrical stimulation burns, redness and/or itching

Water helps with the connection between your skin and the electrodes in the band. Without water you may experience discomfort or a warning display during therapy.

In the unlikely event that any of the following more significant issues happen, immediately stop using Cala Therapy and contact your physician.

  • Signs of significant and persistent skin irritation, sores, electrical stimulation burns, or lesions at the site of stimulation
  • Significant and persistent increase in muscle tightness or stiffness
  • A feeling of chest pressure during stimulation Swelling of your arm, wrist, or hand

For a full list of possible side effects, please refer to the Safety Information.


MKG-1024 Rev T Aug 2021

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