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How much does Cala TAPS therapy cost and is it covered by private, commercial, or supplemental health benefit plans?


Out-of-pocket costs depend on several factors, such as the type of health benefit plan the patient has selected and what copay and deductible obligations they must meet. Patients with specific insurance questions can contact Cala Customer Care or their insurance carrier directly.


Health insurance coverage

Your health plan provider is more likely to approve your Cala TAPS therapy when accompanied by medical necessity documentation from your medical records.

Cala Customer Care supports every patient by ensuring that each claim we submit has the appropriate medical necessity documentation to support a prior authorization. We obtain the information from your prescribing healthcare professional’s medical records.

Currently, each prior authorization request is reviewed case-by-case by the patient's healthcare plan administrator. Cala will provide the patient with an estimated copay based on the insurance plan.


Cala Customer Care: 888-699-1009, Monday-Friday from 8 am – 7 pm Eastern, 5 am – 4 pm Pacific.




MKG-1533 Rev C Oct 2022
MKG-1570 Rev A Apr 2022

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