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Deprecated: _register_controls is deprecated since version 3.1.0! Use Elementor\Controls_Stack::register_controls() instead. in /home/ubuntu/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4861

Deprecated: _register_controls is deprecated since version 3.1.0! Use Elementor\Controls_Stack::register_controls() instead. in /home/ubuntu/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 4861

Does the band need to be replaced even if the patient isn’t stimulating every day?

Yes; the performance of the band deteriorates with exposure to dry skin, skin oils, and dust. Over the course of months, the band is eventually unable to support effective therapy. Cala Trio informs the user ten (10) days before a band needs to be replaced. Cala Health automatically supplies Cala Trio patients with one band every three months to maintain effective therapy.



MKG-1050 Rev P Aug 2021

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