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Cala Trio Nominated for Best Medical Technology

BURLINGAME, CA – October, 2020 – Cala Health was nominated as the Best Medical Technology by Prix Galien USA for Cala Trio™, the first non-invasive targeted therapy that reduces hand tremors for adults living with essential tremor (ET).

Cala Health congratulates the winner of the Best Medical Technology award, Abbott, for the MitraClip™ Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair System and shares the honor with 18 fellow nominees bridging the gap of innovation and science improving patients daily lives. At Cala Health, this means delivering bioelectronic medicine with a wearable device to transform the standard of care for ET – helping individuals with this debilitating chronic disease, who also suffer from depression, anxiety, social isolation, and the emotional trauma of losing their independence and confidence.

This recognition from the Galien Foundation is incredibly gratifying and humbling for the team at Cala Health – but the true reward is seeing patients benefiting from Cala Trio therapy.


About Prix Galien Foundation

The Prix Galien Award is among the global health innovation industry’s most renowned honors, recognizing outstanding biomedical and medical technology product achievement that improves the human condition through the development of innovative therapies. The Prix Galien was created in France in 1970 in honor of Galen, the father of medical science and modern pharmacology. Worldwide, the Prix Galien is now highly regarded as the equivalent of the Nobel Prize in biopharmaceutical and medical technology research.


MKG-1108 Rev A Nov 2020

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